Courier Form to India

Courier Form to India


As you are on the online form page to send an economic courier to India from the UK, We believe you have already read and understood our working process and detailed information with the terms and conditions of the Courier to India from the UK. So, would you please fill out the form? You need to provide receiver and sender details, including the city's pin code in India. Similalry, you need to mention each item you want to send. Once we receive the form, we ask you to provide the receiver and sender ID cards via What's App. Receiver ID means a Driving licence, Aaddhar Card or Passport. We will remind you again about this economic courier's minimum required 20 KG. If you have less than 20 kg, we suggest sending it via express courier such as DHL. Please visit our social media for regular updates. 



Courier Form to India






Sender Detail


Receiver Detail


Box 1 Item 1


  1. Term & Condition of Economic Courier to India
  2. Worldwide Cargo Term & Condition